shake\ off

shake\ off
1. II
shake off in some manner sand shakes off easily песок легко стряхивается /отряхивается/
2. III
shake off smth. /smth. off/ shake off sand (the earth, mud, etc.) стряхивать /отряхивать/ песок и т.д.; shake off an illness (one's cold, the after-effects, a certain stiffness of manner, a bad habit, one's cares, one's sorrows, one's responsibilities, all remembrance of disgrace, this uneasy feeling, etc.) отделаться /избавиться/ от болезни и т.д.; shake off one's depression (drowsiness) стряхнуть с себя уныние (сон); shake off smb. /smb. off/ the dog flew at me, but I shook him off на меня бросилась собака, но я ее отшвырнул; shake off one's pursuers (an undesirable companion, a disreputable acquaintance, etc.) отвязаться /отделаться/ от преследователей и т.д.; I shook off the tail я ушел от человека, который за мной следил /от "хвоста"/
3. XI
be shaken off by smth. many of the leaves had been shaken off by the wind ветром сдуло много листьев
4. XXI1
shake off smth. from smth. shake off rain from one's hair (sand from the coat, etc.) стряхивать /отряхивать/ капли дождя с волос и т.д.; shake off dust from one's feet bibl. отряхнуть прах от ног своих

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "shake\ off" в других словарях:

  • shake off — (something) to free yourself from something. Investors failed to shake off worries about the economy. As she was running, she felt a pain in her left leg, but she hoped to shake it off if she slowed up. Usage notes: usually said about something… …   New idioms dictionary

  • shake off — [v] lose by getting away clear, dislodge, drop, elude, get away from, get rid of, give the slip*, leave behind, remove, rid oneself of, throw off, unburden; concepts 102,195 Ant. appear, present …   New thesaurus

  • shake off — index dispel Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • shake off — 1) PHRASAL VERB If you shake off something that you do not want such as an illness or a bad habit, you manage to recover from it or get rid of it. [V P n (not pron)] Businessmen are frantically trying to shake off the bad habits learned under six …   English dictionary

  • shake off — verb 1. get rid of (Freq. 3) I couldn t shake the car that was following me • Syn: ↑shake, ↑throw off, ↑escape from • Hypernyms: ↑escape, ↑get away, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • shake off — 1) I think we shook off that cop Syn: get away from, escape, elude, dodge, lose, leave behind, get rid of, give someone the slip, throw off the scent 2) she can t seem to shake off this virus Syn: recover from, get over; …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • shake off — {v.}, {informal} To get away from when followed; get rid of; escape from. * /A convict escaped from prison and shook off the officers trying to follow him./ * /Tom could not shake off his cold./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • shake off — {v.}, {informal} To get away from when followed; get rid of; escape from. * /A convict escaped from prison and shook off the officers trying to follow him./ * /Tom could not shake off his cold./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • shake\ off — v informal To get away from when followed; get rid of; escape from. A convict escaped from prison and shook off the officers trying to follow him. Tom could not shake off his cold …   Словарь американских идиом

  • shake off — phr verb Shake off is used with these nouns as the object: ↑injury, ↑jinx, ↑lethargy, ↑strain …   Collocations dictionary

  • shake off — get rid of (an illness) She has been unable to shake off her illness and can t come to the party …   Idioms and examples

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